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عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, 2024

Reconsideration of the Poetic of Solitude

 Emad Blake The poem Songs of Solitude by Alsaddiq Alraddi, performed by the renowned Sudanese singer Mustafa Sayed Ahmed, held significant power in its time, addressing the multifaceted themes of solitude and isolation experienced by the generation of the nineties in Sudan. It was a period of time characterized by darkness punctuated with a glimmer of light that prompted a deeper introspection. This period marked the era of the Muslim Brotherhood's that ended in 2019, coinciding with a youth uprising to a generation had long been living in isolation. However, the advent of social media and the internet played a pivotal role in dispelling the dust of the past. The poem took on the responsibility of redefining the dimensions of Sudanese poetic text by reconsidering the self within the framework of postmodern concepts. These concepts allowed for a re-examination of identity and the capacity to shape a new world—one born from fresh perspectives that embrace the future, contrasting ...