التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Reconsideration of the Poetic of Solitude

 Emad Blake

The poem Songs of Solitude by Alsaddiq Alraddi, performed by the renowned Sudanese singer Mustafa Sayed Ahmed, held significant power in its time, addressing the multifaceted themes of solitude and isolation experienced by the generation of the nineties in Sudan. It was a period of time characterized by darkness punctuated with a glimmer of light that prompted a deeper introspection. This period marked the era of the Muslim Brotherhood's that ended in 2019, coinciding with a youth uprising to a generation had long been living in isolation. However, the advent of social media and the internet played a pivotal role in dispelling the dust of the past.

The poem took on the responsibility of redefining the dimensions of Sudanese poetic text by reconsidering the self within the framework of postmodern concepts. These concepts allowed for a re-examination of identity and the capacity to shape a new world—one born from fresh perspectives that embrace the future, contrasting sharply with the realistic schools of pre-modern liberation in Sudanese poetry.

Singing solitude became both a poem and a vivid artistic expression that Alsaddiq Alraddi used to explore new dimensions and values in constructing contemporary poetic text. His methodology draws from spatial awareness, similar to the approach of the "Forest and Desert" school represented by Muhammad Abd al-Hay, Al-Nur Othman Abkar, and Muhammad al-Makki Ibrahim.

However, this attempt did not arise in isolation from the accumulated levels of Sudanese poetry. Contrary to the views of some critics who attempt to separate the "poetry of solitude" from the broader modern poetic legacy, it represents a new formation based on distinct vocabulary and a synthetic structure that contrasts with prevailing norms.

The "poetics of solitude" did not emerge solely with Alsaddiq Alraddi or Atef Khairi as a novel aspect of Sudanese culture that seeks to detach from the past, as suggested by texts that simplify the concept. Instead, familiar contrasts persist, and attempts have been made to explore new poetic issues through lived experiences, drawing upon the mystical poetic heritage established by poets like Aalim Abbas and Muhammad Abd al-Hay.

Mysticism remains a poetic doctrine that has not been sufficiently studied or critically examined to this day. This oversight stems from critical readings that have engaged with this poetics without fully embracing its mystical dimensions. The direct scholarly nomenclature, grounded in spatial and geographical contexts, has created ambiguity. Critics have often fallen into controversies that distract from a reading grounded in the mystical framework of the texts.

Dr. Gaesar Musa Al-Zein, a Sudanese professor , argues that the new poetic construction is merely a trend that the younger generation will eventually outgrow. Yet, Al-Zein offers a more profound and Eastern perspective regarding the invisible mystical dimension in Sudanese poetics, elucidating Abbas's world experience. He emphasizes the significance of religious symbols within Sudanese texts—be they poetry, stories, or novels. The model of “Wadi Azum” by Aalim Abbas serves as a prime example, where the poet envisions life originating from the Azum Valley, transforming it into a source of creative inspiration. While these visions may seem mythological and detached from a realistic historical perspective, they play a crucial role in shaping a new kind of myth that strives to redefine reality through mystical poetics.

I am increasingly convinced that the "Poetics of solitude" emerged as a logical evolution of Sudanese mystical poetry. Consequently, these experiences have continued to support one another across time, reinforcing the notion that the past is inextricably linked to the present and future. The past and future are two sides of the same coin, separated only by a mirror, akin to the "grandfather and grandson" theory depicted in Tayeb Salih's novel Dau al-Beit: Bandarshah.

Contemporary poetry, particularly the poetry of solitude, has drawn from the lexicon of mystical poetry, giving rise to new patterns previously unrecognized by earlier generations. This new text facilitates potential reconciliations between diverse experiences.

It can be asserted that the late Muhammad Abd al-Hay possessed an early awareness of the importance of reconciliation and the necessary extensions required to propel the cultural wheel forward. However, he passed away before establishing his comprehensive monetary project in this context. The signs of this pioneering endeavor are evident in his profound published studies on the poetry of Al-Tijani Yusuf Bashir, where he articulated, albeit indirectly, that mysticism and solitude are foundational to Sudanese poetry. Al-Tijani sang of solitude long before Alsaddiq Alraddi did so in the nineties of the twentieth century—more than sixty years apart. Yet, the unity of the inner emotions expressed in the texts enables a claim of coexistence between old and new works, suggesting that the perspective of solitude can be meaningfully examined through serious literary attempts.

The late Al-Hadi Al-Siddiq sought to establish the roots of Sudanese poetry, but his efforts were superficial and inadvertently overlooked crucial historical origins in the construction of poetic texts—from the time of the Funj and the Blue Sultanate to the modern era of isolation and solitude in different meanings. Similarly, Muhammad Al-Makki Ibrahim's research on Sudanese cultural issues did not deeply engage with the complexities of cultural history, which extends beyond a mere mixture of "Afro-Arab" identities or the dichotomy of "forest and desert." The historical narrative cannot be linearly traced from the Funj era through the Ottoman influence to the Mahdist movement and the Anglo-Egyptian period.



المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

راما رواية البليك تغوص في أسرار الخلود وتتجاوز قواعد السرد

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عن رواية الامام الغجري للكاتب عماد البليك، بقلم: فخر الدين حسب الله

في روايته "الإمام الغجري" التى يمكن وصفها بالرواية الواقعية، حيث تتحرك في جغرافيا وتاريخ محددين (السودان، 1821_الى الان)، يسرد البليك في متعة متناهيه تفاصيل الكثير من الأحداث التاريخية في السودان الحديث في رحلة البحث عن سر الغموض الذي يلف غياب أحد الرموز الدينية، الطائفية، السياسية.. واسمه الإمام سفيان النصري (الغجري). تبدأ أحداث الرواية عن صحفي سودانى، يحاول أن يكشف القناع والأسرار حول غياب الامام الغجري قبل عدة عقود، ليجد نفسه أم ام ملف شائك، شديد التعقيد . الصحفي بعد أن أمسك ببعض الخيوط وقبل أن تكتمل، اغتيل قبل أن ينشر ما لديه، اصابع الاتهام تتجه الى السلطة الحاكمة، فالنظام يقبض علي حرية النشر، ويضيق على الحريات، ويمنع الحديث حول غياب الإمام. وللنظام سوابق في الاغتيالات والتعذيب، فقد اغتيل صحفيون من قبل. يلجأ آخرون ينتمون إلى مؤسسات الدولة الحديثه الي عملية تحضير الأرواح لمعرفة ماذا كان يريد أن يقول الصحفي.. تسير الرواية بأقوال روح الصحفي.. لتحكى الروح حقيقة ما جري مضافا إليها خواطره وآرائه . تكشف الرواية عن الحبل السري بين السياسي ورجل الدين وانع...

المناورة والطريق الأفضل.. إلى حمدوك مرة أخرى

لقد أهتم العلماء في فترة التنوير الأوروبي بالطبيعة، والأحياء، كيف تشكلت في الماضي. في سبيل السيطرة على المستقبل، لأن أدراك نسق التشكيل في التاريخ، يقود إلى التحكم في القادم.   قبل أن يأتي داروين الذي كسب شهرة كبيرة بنظرية التطور، جرب آخرون أغفلهم التاريخ هذا النمط من التفكير، ومنهم جان باتيست لامارك، الذي يعتبر أول من استخدم مصطلح البيولوجيا بالمعنى الحديث. وكان تقريبا أول من صاغ نظرية شبه متكاملة في التطور الإحيائي. استهل بذكر لاما رك، للاستشهاد بمقولته: "هل نتحرك أفضل حين تتقطع بنا السبل ولا نجد مخرجا.. عندما يتغير كل شيء؟" الفكرة تقوم على أن الكائنات في محيطها الطبيعي، دائما ما تلجأ إلى الحل في ساعات الاستعصاء القصوى، عندما يتبدل كل شيء تماما. تصل ما يمكن الاصطلاح عليه بلحظة "التلاشي". هنا تناور بطريقة جديدة. تستخدم كافة السبل الممكنة التي لم تخطر من قبل، وتستطيع أن تحدث انقلابا في الطبيعة نفسها لصالحها. هذا الأمر ينطبق ليس على الحيوانات والأحياء في فطرتها. بل على المجتمعات، ففن المناورة في "المساحات الصغيرة" أو "الفرص المعتمة" يقود إل...