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April Uprising in review

Emad Al Blake

The anniversary of the April 1985 uprising passed silently. It was marginalized and forgotten. It seems as if an alienated memory is trying to say that history has been deviated from its path or disoriented. Is it a revolution or an uprising? Or is it simply one of the curses that passed in the modern history of Sudan as tens of events thought to be central and efficient in deciding the future of the Nation, but finished to the nothingness, to throw us once again in the initial point? We must simply remember that a proper review should take place after quite a reasonable time in order to be able to see the impact of the events. Did we enter in a new phase or is History is just reproducing itself in the same way. I think that this is our reality, and maybe worse…
For half a century, Sudanese are judging two events as milestones and historical, the revolution of 21 October 1964 and the uprising of 6 Avril 1985. The two events symbolize the idea of change and the capability of revolutionary action and revolting in order to change the reality to a better one. But that didn’t happen. Even though, the negative result should never weaken hopes or stop efforts of picking the positive points in those historical events far from the instant impact. This is a point which we have to consider deeply and focus on.

There are many revolutions in the history of the Humanity which didn’t lead to clear concrete results on the long term. Others finished in failure. What has been defined as the Revolutions of the Arab Spring is revealed to be nothingness and oblivion. It finished to death, destruction, devastation and disintegration of nations, states and peoples. We witnessed a more horrible Arab World. This doesn’t mean I am defending the former regimes or the totalitarian governments. I rather want to say that things that appear good in the beginning are not always that good, particularly when we assume that our Peoples hadn’t been well trained for change and revolutionary action.
This is a big and complicates issue in itself. It is related to the need of wider and more open thinking which is supposed to include all the society and be generalized in all political, cognitive and educative patterns as well as ethics before it should be transferred to the practical level. If it is necessary to transform the societies, then that should be in a positive way making of the concerned country or nation an effective and ethically advanced factor enjoying freedoms and civilization conditions necessary for change.
Revolutions are doubtlessly positive actions. But such are the Revolutions dotted with deep thoughts and having all the elements necessary for sustainability. They should be based on a cognitive renaissance of thoughts paving the way and establishing their pillars as was the case of the French Revolution for example. The intellectual content and the rethinking of all the aspects of life are the main bases of future Revolutionizing
Quick change, military coups and even savage armed interventions and protests of millions for a single day might change the power in any place. Such acts might take the country from a shape of power to a new one. But should that change the real nature of regimes? Are they capable of readjusting its values, relation with world, its thinking manners, its customs and traditions, its ways of existing and reacting with its identity as well as its vital fates or the foresight pushing it to find a position in the globe? 
Mostly, the given image is that the regime is defined as the existing and affecting power. While the accurate definition of the regime is its aspect as the power of Domination that should be changed. It is the social patterns which created or fashioned the power and the domination. If that structural combination is not submitted to deep rethinking and dismantled on all its levels, any mobilization of social forces in the name of change would be nothing else but a vicious cycle which will take us to the initial point or even to a worse one. The true movement forward results from a serious definition in its practical and applied aspect of revolutionizing and change. It begins with smaller cycles and goes forward to occupy more space. It begins with changing individual ways of thinking, seeking and following a good built model, fighting corruption, raising morals and spirits in the name of openness and tolerance and not by hatred, hesitation and doubt but with full consciousness. That consciousness should be capable of differentiation and recognition of false hypotheses and not as happens when some people launch hatred pretending to be replacing our world with another one.
The real force behind revolutionary action is rational and not spontaneous. It is not born of a moment of temporal reaction or Superstructure movement secreted by a particular class, a party, an armed or a sectarian group in order to tighten the grip on power in the institutions of the State or the society while leaving the rest of the scene weak and neglected without any establishing which might enable it to realize the meaning of uprising or revolting.
The April 1985 uprising has many elements of power that can be useful. But it is submitted to the general cadre of not being the fruit of cultural or cognitive "constraints" or desire to build a better rational society. It has produced a more cruel society and protrusions of extremism in terms of the perception of the human identity and its role in life in general. It paved the way to enter in a stage under which Sudan is still suffering, under the brunt of the extension of the power of ideological discourse. This stage is marked by the victory of the worldly judgment on account of religion in its abstract, active and positive form. We saw how the collapse of values has eexacerbated and spread in all the community so that we can say that a disaster struck the Sudanese social life. Some people link it to the economic conditions. Yes that may have an impact. Others may assume and generalize saying “it is politics”. But spectacular, is part of the manifestations of the incident actually, change of the cognitive pattern and its inefficient functioning with the traditions of tolerance, love of others, compassion and other forms of traditional Sudanese tournament.
Perhaps the clear distinction of the change that happened reveals that a stereotyping has been applied on the collective mind towards negative Ideological orientation. It established a closed ego and oriented people to tribal hatred, physical superiority and formalism, deepened the divide between the people of Sudan and reduce their tendency of self-confidence. The result of the change which occurred after the uprising of April 1985, as observed today, is a coup against the values for which it was supposed to take place.
Someone may say “No April 1985 uprising has nothing to do with this”. But we must stand for a moment to realize that the crisis started before that. It began since the emergence of the so-called modern Sudanese state and the exit of the British from the country. The crisis exist since the first and continual attempts to patch up the dream of the national state, a dress that was not yet completed while its fabric changes from time to time between the various partisan passions and conflicts between military who want a dress detailed on their size. However, the clearest vision reveals that in April uprising was the end of a crisis and was the beginning of a most complex crisis in a fragile democracy which is not deeply rooted. That April uprising democracy ended once again to a military accompanied by lonely torments. The steak was and is still the human. Change will not be a call to future unless our consciousness mechanisms the way of our imagination building change and we become really active and based on great correctreferences.

     The Citizen


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